
Fiddle From Scratch

Fiddle From Scratch

  • Fiddle
  • In-Person Classes
  • Instrumental


Eager to start learning the fiddle but anxious about where to begin? Don’t fret! We’ll take it from the top in this 5-week introductory fiddle course. We will be discussing safe and comfortable playing posture, simple practice techniques and eventually a couple staple fiddle tunes!

This course is perfect for people who have never played the instrument before or want a back-to-basics refresher!

Need an instrument to rent? We suggest visiting Johnson Strings.

This class will be held from 6:30-7:45pm ET on Thursdays, March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3

Please note:The class will be held at The Passim School of Music which is located at 26 Church St. Cambridge, MA. Classrooms are located on the third floor and, unfortunately, we do not have an elevator.

Limited to 6 students (18 yrs of age or older); Pre-sales are highly encouraged! Online sale ends 2 hours before the class begins.

Benjamin Wetherbee

Benjamin Wetherbee is an Old Time fiddler from Watertown, MA. He grew up immersed in traditional music through his mom, Ruth Rappaport, a guitar/piano player and singer, and his dad, Peter Wetherbee, a roots-rock guitar player and singer. He got his start learning violin in elementary school while his mom taught him the Old Time tunes he had grown up hearing at home. It wasn’t long before he became obsessed with playing Old Time fiddle music. In college, he studied traditional Irish music in Cork, Ireland with fiddler Connie O’Connell. His fiddling is inspired by traditional Appalachian music, northeastern Old Time music from Ithaca, Vermont, and Massachusetts, bluegrass, Cajun/Creole music, New England contra dance music, experimental music, and more.  He is also a singer/songwriter, guitar player, poet, and artist. For more information check out https://www.benwetherbeemusic.com/

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