Annie Bartlett, Passim Board Chair | Passim

Annie Bartlett, Passim Board Chair

Annie Bartlett, Passim Board Chair

For violinist and violist Annie Bartlett, music is about creating experiences and community. When she is not playing music, she lives for outdoor adventures with her husband, boys and two rescue dogs. “Always go. You never know what you’ll find,” is her family mantra and the most interesting experiences in her musical life have also emerged from exploring new territory. As a member of Rosin, a fiddle player in Hank Wonder, founder of the Sheffield Sessions, Trustee of Club Passim and the New England Conservatory, and former Board Chair of the Winchester Community Music School, Annie has fused her classical training (Walnut Hill School for the Arts, New England Conservatory Preparatory School, Yale University) and her adventurous spirit to create a musical community that brings together musicians and audiences across genres.

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