Card to Culture

Passim is proud to participate in the Card to Culture program, a collaboration between Mass Cultural Council and the Department of Transitional AssistanceMassachusetts Health Connector, and WIC Nutrition Program. Along with over 300 cultural organizations, these partnerships make the power of culture accessible to a wider range of Massachusetts residents. Arts, humanities, and science organizations participating in these voluntary discount partnerships offer free or discounted admission to their programming.

Through Card to Culture, Massachusetts residents with EBT, WIC, or ConnectorCare cards can purchase discounted tickets to Club Passim shows for 85% off.  Card holders can purchase up to 4 discounted tickets per month by using the code “CardToCultureEBT”, “CardToCultureWIC”, or “CardToCultureCC” when checking out online, in-person, or over the phone. Benefit shows and rentals exempt from this discount.

See the full list of participating organizations offering EBTWIC, and ConnectorCare discounts.


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