
Wintery Songs

Wintery Songs

  • Folk
  • Pop
  • Singer/Songwriter

Wintery Songs in Eleventy Part Harmony is a loose collaboration of Boston-based musicians organized by veteran singer/songwriter Jennifer Kimball, who celebrate the holiday season with their delightful annual program of sacred, secular and wintery pop music rearranged, reharmonized, and often just plain turned on its head. Wielding fiddles, cellos, ukes, guitars and glockenspiels, this ensemble re-envisions the sounds of the season by reharmonizing classic songs, reinterpreting pop tunes, composing new songs for the season and bringing unknown pop gems to the lexicon of holiday-ish music.

From Sinatra to Tchaikovsky, Isaac Watts to Ana Egge, this beautifully eclectic mix of sacred and secular music inspires a reinvention of the holiday experience; one where minor keys are as familiar as major, the church has transformed into a club where all are welcome and the season’s darkness is as deep as it’s festive lights are welcoming.

2024 Wintery Songs Singers

Jenna Moynihan: fiddle
Mariel Vandersteel: fiddle
Kat Wallace: fiddle
Casey Murray: cello
Rose Polenzani: guitar, glockenspiel
Jennifer Kimball: guitar, uke, glockenspiel

Site by ICS