
Geordie Gordon

Geordie Gordon

  • Indie Folk

You’ve likely seen Geordie Gordon on stage. The Toronto singer/songwriter is currently a member of two internationally acclaimed indie acts: U.S. Girls and Islands. He also served as a sideman for Andy Shauf just prior to that songwriter’s 2016 breakthrough. When not on the road, he works in a queer bookstore stocked with coming-of-age stories. His second solo album, Tambourine, is Geordie’s own coming-of-age story, in more ways than one. It’s the album that will introduce the world to Geordie Gordon’s depth of talent as a singer, arranger, lyricist and melodicist.

Geordie Gordon was 16 when gay marriage was made legal in his home province of Ontario. He was raised in an accepting community of hippies and leftist punks. He’s a son of James Gordon, a successful Canadian folk singer covered by the Cowboy Junkies on The Trinity Session. Geordie formed his first band as a teenager, the misnomered Barmitzvah Brothers (featuring Bird City’s Jenny Mitchell). They toured Canada and were on the cover of Toronto’s Now Magazine. They sounded like nothing else on the thriving Canadian indie scene at the time: junkstore instruments, unusual lyrics, and a childlike sense of play—because they were still actual children.

Everything about Tambourine is a huge leap forward for Geordie. The layered vocal harmonies explore both his falsetto heights and the lower end of his register. The electronics of The Tower are still present, as are the soft pop vibes of U.S. Girls and Islands.

From teenage awakenings to the wisdom of elders, Tambourine is the record Geordie Gordon was born to make. And he’s just getting started.

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